Just Thoughts?
In the weeks of recovering from surgery along with the “house arrest” from Covid-19, I have had plenty of time to just think. All sorts of thoughts run through my head at lightning speeds; some are negative and not-to-pleasing. I must consciously take hold of those thoughts and change them to more positive thankful thoughts that focus on God’s blessings and goodness. Keeping with just the highlights of the following verses, I trust this will help you in your daily walk with Jesus.
First, when we get in “bad” thought-mode, we have a choice of continuing on that path to the point that we are afraid, depressed, or bitter. Or, we can take control of our thoughts and change them to being positive, uplifting, and thankful. The choice you make is what controls your immediate outcome of your attitude, your relationships around you, and your day.
2 Corinthians10:4–5 states, “The weapons we fight with… have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”
God gives us everything we need to WIN the battles that come our way. In our thought life, we can demolish (destroy, eradicate) anything that enters our minds that go against the knowledge of God. Paul says we “take captive every thought.” This means we prevent it from spreading or stop it from controlling us. We change the outcome of our thoughts into thoughts that “make it obedient to Christ.” What does that look like?
Philippians 4:8 states that whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, or praiseworthy, we are to think on those things. Changing what we are thinking changes our perspective and attitude. When negative thoughts presented by Satan enter, we can quickly overpower Satan by quoting Scripture, capturing those negative thoughts to keep them from spreading or flourishing, and change the entire outcome to victory through Christ. How do we do this?
Colossians 3:2 states, “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” Here are some examples of how to capture and remove negative thoughts to positive, praising, worshipful, and thankful thoughts.
· God loves me, cares for me, and will never leave me alone, faithful to keep me in His care.
· God, through Jesus Christ, has rescued me from an eternal judgment and given me eternal life.
· Jesus has freed me from the bondage of sin, guilt, and from being a child of Satan.
· Through Jesus, I am a joint-heir with Him, equally receiving all of God’s blessings and gifts of grace.
· I am a fully adopted child of God, with all rights, blessings, and promises that God provides.
· My salvation and relationship with Jesus is fully provided by Him, not by me as I am unable to earn or obtain Jesus’ righteousness on my own but it is freely given by God by placing my faith in what Jesus did for me.
· God has given me a purpose in life that allows me to serve Him.
· When discouraged, I can begin thanking God for His goodness, sing worship songs to Him, bring Him my worries and thoughts through prayer, knowing He hears my petitions/requests.
· I can quote God’s promises from Scripture and think on His faithfulness and goodness to me.
Surely, this is just a start on ways to win the battle over negative or bad thoughts. If you struggle with an up-and-down thought life, feelings of low self-esteem or no worth, thoughts of hate or lust, or dissatisfaction with your life, capture those thoughts — don’t let them gain a foothold and spread through your mind and heart. Change your thoughts. Think on the blessings, gifts, grace, and relationship that God through Jesus Christ has fully given to you.
Romans 12:2 tells us to renew our minds daily. Asking God to change your thought process is not a one-and-done action but a daily process. Do not be discouraged if or when you have to change your thought patterns to re-align with God. It must be consciously done every day.
Think on the things above, and God will richly bless your life!