Purchased, Paid, and Protected
When purchasing a large ticket item that is deemed as having value — such as a house — it is often necessary to finance it over many years. With that purchase, the person declares to be a “homeowner”, not because the home is paid for, but because it was purchased. With a mortgage, the lender requires insurance to protect its investment until the debt is fully paid.
Perhaps a smaller purchase is made, paid in full at the time of purchase, and protected by an ‘extended warranty’. That warranty is not for the lifetime of the purchased item, but for a designated amount of time that replaces or prorates a replacement cost should any harm or loss come to that item.
Your most important, most valuable item — your soul — has been given an offer that should not be refused. The Bible states that Jesus’ work and death on the cross and His bodily resurrection on the third day provides for the purchase of one’s soul. This purchase — His substitutionary death on the cross for your and my sin, is His gift to mankind and is available to anyone who believes (John 3:16).
This purchase was not financed. It is not at risk of someone foreclosing or repossessing it for non-payment. On the cross, Jesus declared, “It is finished!” (John 19:30), meaning the purchase for the souls of mankind was complete and paid in full!
To protect His purchase, Jesus provides the Holy Spirit to all who believe to seal their souls in His eternal salvation (Ephesians 1:13, II Corinthians 1:22). This warranty protects your soul until Jesus returns to gather His children to take to His eternal home. Once Jesus returns, believers — His children — are with Him forever. A person cannot lose his or her salvation because God guarantees it through Jesus’ sacrifice and with the Holy Spirit’s seal.
Jesus loves you and is waiting for you to come to Him. He is not willing for anyone to perish (II Peter 3:9). So, He has purchased us with His blood on the cross, paid for us in full so no one can claim ownership and repossess us, and fully protects us by sealing us with the indwelling Holy Spirit until His return (Philippians 1:6; Ephesians 4:30).
You have value, so much so that God Himself set into action the means to take you from the snares of Satan and sin to reconcile you back to Him. The only action required of you is to believe on the name of Jesus and be saved (Romans 10:9). With that single action, you are purchased and paid in full (redeemed) and protected by God until you reach your eternal home with Jesus. At that point, you are forever in His eternal presence, experiencing the full blessing of your salvation.
When trusting in Jesus, you are righteous with Jesus’ righteousness before God, and you can declare yourself to be a Christian. Not a Christian in part or a Christian for the moment, but wholly and forever!