SCOTUS Decision does not Prevent Abortions
Regardless of which “side” you are on — pro-choice or pro-life — let’s get a reality check, shall we?
All of those people participating in violent protests regarding the loss of a woman’s choice to willfully kill her own child out of convenience are either ignorant or stupid! Those people who “stoke the fire” about how the Supreme Court ended abortion are also ignorant or stupid!
Everyone still has the same choices now that existed prior to this latest SCOTUS decision. The only thing that changed was stating that the US Constitution as a document does not, and never did, give anyone the “right” to kill a baby. It does continue to legally allow for the choice to do so.
This is not about the sanctity of life or defending one position over another. This is simply a look at what the latest SCOTUS decision actually changed.
Here is what the decision addressed: the Constitution does not give a person the “right” to kill an unborn child. Period.
Here is what the decision did not address:
1) It does not make abortion illegal;
2) It does not prevent a person from choosing to kill a baby out of convenience;
3) It does not provide any protection to the unborn child;
4) It does not prohibit the existence of abortion clinics;
5) It does not prevent the selling of aborted baby parts for profit;
6) It does not promote abstinence or birth control;
7) It does not infringe on anyone’s choice to have sex with another person to become pregnant.
If you want to kill your baby, you still can, and you can broaden the choice of when you can kill it through your state legislature. If you want to protect the baby by banning or limiting when an abortion can be an option, you still can through your state legislature. If you want to adopt the unwanted baby, you still can.
All of these choices existed prior to the latest SCOTUS decision, and they still exist. Both sides need to take a breath! Your complete and total ignorance is showing!