True Freedom
There is, therefore, now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus… for the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death (Romans 8:1a, 2).
The Apostle Paul wrote to the Romans regarding the true human condition: no one on his or her own is righteous enough to be accepted by God (Romans 3:10), that every person falls short of God’s expectations (Romans 3:23) because of sin. Since no one can reach or earn God’s favor because of that sin nature, the wages or payment of sin is death (Romans 6:23a).
Because of mankind’s sin, every person stands before a holy and just God condemned, guilty as charged and incapable of ever being ‘good enough’. Escaping God’s judgment is not something a person can do on his or her own.
But because God loves us, there is hope — Romans 6:23 continues, “but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ…”
When a person realizes that sin is what condemns him or her to face God’s wrath and judgment, a choice must be made. God provides a way to escape eternal judgment by accepting Jesus as Savior because of His love for us. Turning away from your sin (repenting) to follow Jesus removes our guilt and hopelessness and makes us right with God, no longer condemned.
A follower of Christ is no longer under God’s condemnation. We are free of God’s judgment and released from the bondage that sin holds over us.
Regardless of your past, Jesus can free you from the guilt and bondage of your sin. No longer condemned, you have a relationship with Him. Ask Him, trust Him, and be free!